Emberi jogi jelentés a kárpátaljai magyarok elleni jogsértésekről – nemzetközi sajtótájékoztató (2023.02.02.)

International press conference on a monitoring Report in relation to mass human rights violations against Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (Zakarpattia oblast in Ukraine) (2 February 2023)

2023. február 2-án mutatta be Budapesten a Nemzeti Jogvédő Szolgálat (NJSZ) és a PestiSrácok hírportál angol nyelvű követő tolmácsolással tartott, élőben közvetített nemzetközi sajtótájékoztató keretében a Magyarok a prés alatt Kárpátalján című dokumentumfilmjük angol feliratos változatát, valamint a Nemzeti Jogvédő Szolgálat emberi jogi jelentését a Kárpátalján élő őshonos magyarok ellen elkövetett tömeges emberi jogi jogsértésekről.

Kárpátalját hivatalosan Zakarpatszkaja területnek hívják, és jelenleg Ukrajna része, de korábban ezer éven át a Magyar Királyság szerves része volt 1920-ig, amikor a trianoni békediktátum elszakította.

Az emberi jogi monitorozás eredményeként készített filmben és Jelentésben a korábban 200 ezer fős kárpátaljai magyar közösséget sújtó egyre fokozó intenzitású jogsértések, atrocitások kerültek összegzésre. A Jelentés szövege elérhető magyar és angol nyelven is.

Az NJSZ és a PestiSrácok közös célkitűzése, hogy Magyarországon kívül a nemzetközi közvélemény, továbbá az érintett (magyar és ukrán) és más európai kormányok, a fontosabb nemzetközi szervezetek (Európai Unió, Európa Tanács, ENSZ, Európai Biztonsági és Együttműködési Szervezet) figyelmét is felhívják a kárpátaljai magyarok üldöztetésére és elősegítsék a helyzetük jobbra fordulását. Ezért a filmet (készítésben részt vett még a Nemzeti Filmkészítők Egyesülete is) és jelentést ezért megküldik az említett kormányok, szervezetek és a világsajtó részére.

A sajtótájékoztató keretében a Magyarok a prés alatt Kárpátalján című dokumentumfilm angol feliratos változatának vetítését követően részletesen bemutatásra került a “Jelentés a kárpátaljai magyarok egyéni és közösségi jogainak érvényesüléséről” című 45 oldalas emberi jogi vizsgálati jelentés. Az esemény végén a film és Jelentés készítésében közreműködő tényfeltáró magyar újságíró elleni ukrán válaszlépésekről is szó esett.

A kilenc fejezetből álló Jelentés szerint Ukrajna megbukott az emberi jogi vizsgán. A Jelentés tételesen, bizonyítékokkal alátámasztva, a vonatkozó jogi előírásokat megjelölve részletesen mutatja be az ukrán állami szervek részéről kifejtett számos súlyos, rendszerszintű, nyelvi, sőt fizikai genocídium, lakosságcsere, illetve etnikai tisztogatás hatásával járó, Kárpátalján élő őshonos magyarokat érő jogsértést, amelyek összhatása végzetes fenyegetést jelent számukra és nemzeti közösségként való fennmaradásukat alapvetően veszélyezteti.

Mindezen feltárt jelenségek közel állnak a nemzetközi jog által kiemelten tiltott népirtáshoz vagy annak kísérletéhez és végső soron az őshonos kárpátaljai magyarság megsemmisüléséhez, szülőföldjéről való elűzéshez vezethetnek. A Jelentés ajánlásokat is megfogalmaz a kárpátaljai magyarok tarthatatlan helyzetének megnyugtató, megfelelő garanciákkal övezett és a nemzeti kisebbségek sorsát korrekten rendező, bevált, jó európai modellekre és az önrendelkezéshez való jogra figyelemmel történő megváltoztatása érdekében.

A Jelentés szerint Ukrajnának tiszteletben kell tartania és végre kell hajtania a jelentés ajánlások alapján a területén élő őshonos nemzeti közösségek egyéni és közösségi jogait garantáló kötelező európai normákat, amelyeket nemcsak a jogtipró oktatási és nyelvtörvénnyel, hanem a nemzetiségek, köztük a kárpátaljai magyarok szisztematikus és beolvasztási célzatú elnyomásával, véres háborúban történő katonai szolgálatra való tömeges kötelezéssel is megszeg.

A dokumentumfilm és a Jelentés célja, hogy elősegítsük a kárpátaljai magyarok jogainak védelmét, és elérjük, hogy Ukrajna haladéktalanul hagyjon fel a kárpátaljai magyarságot súlyosan fenyegető jogkorlátozásokkal és jogfosztásokkal, és biztosítsa számukra az őket megillető egyéni és közösségi jogokat, a számukra szükséges önrendelkezési jogot, az önkormányzatiságot, a magyar állampolgárság akadálytalan megszerzését és gyakorlását, valamint javítsa a kárpátaljai magyarok életkörülményeit, hogy ősi szülőföldjükön boldogulhassanak.

In English:

A Hungarian human rights watchdog NGO called National Legal Defence Service (NLDS) and a Hungarian investigative news portal called PestiSrácok presented at a live international press conference on 2 February in Budapest (supported by consecutive English interpretation) the English subtitled version of their jointly (together with a Hungarian filmmaker NGO called Association of National Filmmakers) produced documentary film under the title  “Hungarians under the Pressure in Sub-Carpathia”, as well as the NLDS’s human rights monitoring Report on the mass human rights violations committed against indigenous Hungarians living in Sub-Carpathia.

Sub-Carpathia is officially called as Zakarpattia Oblast and currently the part of Ukraine, but was one thousand year long the integral part of Hungarian Kingdom until 1920 when it was torn away from the motherland by the Peace Treaty of Trianon.

The text of the Report is available in Hungarian and in English as well.

The documentary film is a collection of the evidence referred in the monitoring report on the serious human rights violations perpetrated against Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia.

At the end of the press event, the Ukrainian response to the Hungarian fact-finding journalist who contributed to the film and Report was also discussed.

The film and the Report have been prepared by the use of the results of a human rights monitoring survey and summarise the increasing intensity of human rights violations and atrocities suffered by the once 200,000-strong Hungarian community in Sub-Carpathia.

The joint objective of the NLDS and PestiSrácok is to draw the attention of the international public outside Hungary, as well as European governments and major international organisations. European Union, Council of Europe, United Nations, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) to the persecution of the Hungarians living in Ukraine and to help improve their situation.  Therefore, the film and Report are being sent to the Government of Hungary, Government of Ukraine, to the Council of Europe, to the organs of the European Union (Commission, European Parliament), to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, to the competent organs of the UN and circulated to the press all over the world.

According to the 9-chapter Report Ukraine has failed the test in terms of human rights. The Report describes in detail, supported by evidence, testminonies and indicating the relevant legal provisions, a number of serious, systemic violations committed by Ukrainian authorities against the indigenous Hungarians living in Sub-Carpathia, which have the effect of linguistic and even physical genocide, population exchange and ethnic cleansing. The combined effect of these poses a fatal threat to them and fundamentally jeopardise their survival as a national community. All of these phenomena seem to be rather close to genocide, or an attempt to commit genocide, which is prohibited by international law, and could ultimately lead to the destruction of the Hungarian population of Sub-Carpathia and their exodus from their homeland. The Report contains recommendations for changing the unbearable situation of the Hungarians in a reassuring way, with appropriate guarantees and a proper settlement of the fate of them, in line with relevant international law regulation and proven, good European models and the right to self-determination.

According to the Report, Ukraine must respect and implement the binding European laws and standards guaranteeing the individual and community rights of the indigenous national communities (especially Hungarians) living on its territory, which are violated not only through the opressive law on education and language, but also through the systematic and assimilationist repression Hungarians of Sub-Carpathia, and the mass and agressive conscription of Hungarians into military service in the blood war.

It is also the aim with this documentary and Report is to promote the protection of the rights of the Sub-Carpathian Hungarians, and to advance that Ukraine immediately stops the restrictions and deprivations of rights that have seriously threatening effects on the Sub-Carpathian Hungarians, and guarantees them the individual and community rights as the members of national minorities are entitled to, the degree of self-determination needed by them, self-governance and the unhindered acquisition and exercise of Hungarian citizenship and improve the living conditions for Sub-Carpathian Hungarians in order to let them prosper in their ancient homeland.

Statement of Foundation for Legal Defence of Hungarians Rights regarding 15th March on Székely Land

március. 13. 2009. 14:14 Texts in English

There will be a democratic mass demonstration in order to express the request of Szekelys (ethnic Hungarians) for territorial autonomy organized by Székely National Council and by mayor’s office of Székelyudvarhely (almost 100 % pure Szekely city in Szekely Land) on 15th March, the national day of Hungarians. According to press information Romanian people are called upon a provocative counter-demonstration by the Party of Great Romania.

Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama, President-elect of the United States of America

január. 8. 2009. 18:18 Texts in English

By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Former Prime Minister of Malaysia


Global Research, January 2, 2009

January 1, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

I did not vote for you in the Presidential Election because I am Malaysian.

But I consider myself one of your constituents because what you do or say will affect me and my country as well.

I welcome your promise for change. Certainly your country, the United States of America needs a lot of changes.

That is because America and Americans have become the most hated people in the world. Even Europeans dislike your arrogance. Yet you were once admired and liked because you freed a lot of countries from conquest and subjugation.

It is the custom on New Year’s day for people to make resolutions. You must have listed your good resolutions already. But may I politely suggest that you also resolve to do the following in pursuit of Change.

National Lawyers Guild Condemns Illegal Israeli Massacre in Gaza

január. 8. 2009. 18:18 Texts in English

Global Research, December 30, 2008

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, December 29, 2008

The National Lawyers Guild Condemns Illegal Israeli Massacre of over 300 Gazans, Calls for Ceasefire and Urges Participation in Protests


Contact: Marjorie Cohn, NLG President, marjorie@tjsl.edu; 619-374-6923

           Radhika Sainath, NLG Free Gaza Committee, radhika.sainath@gmail.com, 917-669-6903

New York . The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) condemns Israel ‘s massive bombardment of the Gaza Strip which has left over 300 dead and 1,400 wounded, with the tolls mounting. The Israeli Air Force dropped more than 100 bombs in dozens of locations throughout the Gaza Strip as children left school on Saturday. The dead include men, women and children in school uniforms.

23rd October 2008: Foundation for Legal Defense of Hungarians Rights lodged a complaint to the police

november. 19. 2008. 15:15 Texts in English

31st October, 2008 NLAS news, on the basis of an article of Magyar Nemzet (by Tamás Pilhál), 29th October, 2008 www.nja.hu

The Foundation for Legal Defense of Hungarians’ Rights lodged a complaint on Monday because of the measures taken by the police on the 23rd of October. The complaint may be examined by the recently established Independent Police Complaint Body. According to the National Legal Aid Service, the fact that the participants of the commemoration, practising their rights of assembly were shepherded into Markó street, closed between cages and prevented from free retreat, constitutes an abuse-like application of law. People were prevented from moving during two hours, thus their right of personal freedom was infringed – pointed out Tamás Gaudi-Nagy, managing director of the legal aid organization. He emphasized: the diversion and keeping back of the march moving from the Police Headquarters to Astoria was illegal, because the march between two announced events is allowed – this was reinforced also by a final judgement taken in 2004, in the case of György Budaházy.


december. 11. 2007. 18:18 Texts in English

The European Union is the watchdog of Human Rights all over the World. Except in one region: the European Union.

There has been a deep crisis of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Hungary (Member State of the EU) since September 2006 when mass demonstrations began against Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and his government’s neo-liberal, neoconservative, „profit-only” politics. On 19-21 September and on 23 October 2006 – following the instructions of the government and the prime minister himself – the police inflicted injuries on several hundred people, many of them became disabled for life.


december. 11. 2007. 17:17 Texts in English



október. 31. 2007. 9:09 Texts in English

in English

What happened in Budapest On the evening of October 22, 2007 ?

október. 29. 2007. 11:11 Texts in English

On the evening of October 22, I and a few friends went to the Szabadság tér (Freedom Square) where we heard there would be a demonstration, which was to include some of the characters prominent in last autumn’s events: László Torockai, head of the 64 Counties organisation (64 was the number of counties in Hungary before the country was dismembered by the post-World War I Treaty of Trianon), György Budavári, and a chap who called himself Tomcat. We were peacefully drinking in a Mexican restaurant in a side street that led to the square when a battalion of police materialised. They stood there for a while, then suddenly donned riot gear. I ran off to the Square to see what was happening. There were about a thousand or two people listening to a rock group called Hazaáaruló, Gyurcsány Takarodj Együttes (Traitor, Gurcsány, Get Out, Band). Things looked quite peaceful, so I returned to my friends. Then suddenly the police moved. I asked one of them what had set them off. He replied that the police had been pelted with rocks.

Statement of the Foundation for the Defense of Hungarians’ Rights on the Slovak bill confirming the Benes decrees

szeptember. 25. 2007. 2:02 Texts in English

Budapest, September 25, 2007, www.nja.hu

The following statement is issued by the „Foundation for Legal Defense of Hungarians' Rights” and the „National Legal Aid Service” in connection with the news on 9/20/07 that the overwhelming majority of the Slovak Parliament, including all parties, accepted a bill on the inviolability of laws passed after World War II, including the Benes decrees.